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Events for September 11, 2028 - December 21, 2022


Red handwritten text that says,

Don’t miss these opportunities to be involved in your community!

Want to add your own event to the calendar? CLICK HERE

Youth Opportunities – Healthy Spaces – CCTHC Conversation

Virtual - Zoom

The most recent Community Health Assessment from the Caswell County Health Department highlights structured activity and opportunities for youth as one of our community's key priorities, which aligns well with priorities established by the Caswell Chapter of The Health Collaborative. We have also recently been made aware of a couple of new opportunities available to…

Active Living – Trails – CCTHC Conversation

Orchard Lake Trail 90 County Home Rd, Blanch, NC

The Caswell Chapter of The Health Collaborative's Active Living team will host a clean-up morning on Friday, July 17th beginning at 9am, weather permitting. Members of the community are invited to meet at the Orchard Lake Trail (behind Yoder's Country Market on County Home Road in Yanceyville) to help clean up litter. Please be prepared…

Caswell Chapter of The Health Collaborative

Virtual - Zoom

You are invited to the July meeting of the Caswell Chapter of The Health Collaborative. Join others (virtually) who are committed to improving the health and well-being of our community. On the agenda: Updates from Healthy Eating and Active Living Teams Opportunities for Youth Impact of Inequity Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 893…

Healthy Eating – CCTHC Conversation

Virtual - Zoom

Join the Caswell Chapter of The Health Collaborative as we continue conversations about ensuring that everyone in Caswell County has access to healthy food. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 863 5002 7536 Password: 870102 One tap mobile +13017158592,,86350027536# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,86350027536# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1…

Youth Leading the Way

Virtual - Zoom

A group of youth-serving agencies want to provide a pathway for Caswell's youth to lead the development and promotion of youth opportunities here in the community. They are inviting local youth leaders between the ages of 12 and 19 to serve on a countywide youth council the guide those efforts. Interested youth are invited to…

Caswell Youth Council

Virtual - Zoom

Community partners* are working to develop a Caswell Youth Council to take a leadership role in the development and promotion of youth programming here in Caswell County. Local youth ages 12-19 are invited to join a virtual YOUTH gathering on August 20th at 3:30pm where they will interact with their peers, learn more about this…

Active Living – Trails

Virtual - Zoom

Partners have been working to better maintain and promote existing trails in Caswell County. During this conversation they will discuss additional signage for the trails and decide on next steps. Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +16699009128,,86208866227 Dial directly +1 669 900 9128 Meeting ID: 862 0886 6227 Passcode: 797381

Youth Opportunities – Healthy Spaces

Virtual - Zoom

Join community partners and local residents as we continue to discover how the community can best support our students, families, and educators during these uncertain times. The conversation will include: Update from 8/20/2020 Virtual Youth Gathering Discussion of availability and needs of Danville Church-Based Tutorial sites operating in Caswell County Sharing of available information regarding…

Caswell Youth Council

Virtual - Zoom

Caswell youth between the ages of 12 and 19 are invited to join their peers and local mentors as they develop a countywide Youth Council to lead the refinement, development, and promotion of local youth opportunities. Join Zoom Meeting One tap mobile +13017158592,,86874003063# Dial directly +1 301 715 8592 Meeting ID: 868 7400 3063…

Click HERE to submit your event to the Caswell Cares calendar.